Roses Of The World

Roses Of The World

Roses are one of the most popular flowering plants, with over 100 varieties cultivated for their showy flowers. The flowers come in a variety of different colors and sizes, ranging from large and bushy to small and delicate. Roses have been used medicinally in ancient times as well as being prized by gardeners who appreciate their beauty. They can also be used in food, either fresh or dried; rose water is made by steeping rose petals in water then straining it out again. This makes an excellent addition to cakes or desserts!

Rosa glauca

Rosa glauca is a species of rose native to the eastern Mediterranean region, from Turkey east to Lebanon and north to southern Russia, Georgia and Azerbaijan. It has been introduced into other regions as an ornamental shrub. The name “glauca” means “bluish gray” in Latin; this refers to the grey-green leaves which are covered with hairs giving them a silvery appearance when young. The flowers are usually yellow but can also be white or pink with five petals (sepals). It grows well in any good garden soil but prefers full sun locations where it will produce masses of flowers throughout summer until early autumn before going dormant over winter months until next year’s new growth emerges from buds formed during previous years’ growth cycle which then flowers again later on in springtime after having gone dormant over winter months since last year’s flowering season ended during late autumn/early winter months at end November through mid February time period depending upon location

Rosa laevigata

Rosa laevigata is a hybrid tea rose that was bred by Jean-Louis Van Fleet in 1956. It is a cross between R. ‘Madame Caroline Testout’ and R. ‘Charles de Mills’. The result was this beautiful flower with light pink flowers with darker pink edges that have a light fragrance. This rose can grow up to 5 feet tall with an equally wide spread, making it good for landscaping purposes as well as bouquets!

Rosa lindleyana

Rosa lindleyana is a species of rose native to the Himalayas. It is a beautiful shrub, with small but highly fragrant flowers that can be pink, white or red. The plant is very disease resistant and highly hardy.

Rosa roxburghii

Rosa roxburghii is a shrub rose with large, bright red flowers. It is a hybrid tea rose and was named after William Roxburgh (1759-1815), a Scottish botanist and explorer who was largely responsible for studying the flora of India.

Rosa rubrifolia

Rosa rubrifolia is a species of rose native to the Himalayas, from Afghanistan to Nepal and western China. It is a shrub growing to 1.5 meters tall with prickly stems. The leaves are pinnate, composed of 3-5 leaflets which are coarsely serrated on their margins; they are borne on petioles 2-3 cm long.[1] The flowers have 5 petals that are pinkish red or crimson in color with white stamens; they grow in clusters of 2-3 together at the ends of branches.[2]

R. ‘Intermedia’ (1940) – Cross of hybrid tea with rugosa

Rosa ‘Intermedia’ (1940) – Cross of hybrid tea with rugosa.

Hybrid tea roses are large, long-stemmed flowers that bloom in early summer. They have been bred to have large blooms and a long vase life. Rugosa roses are hardy, disease resistant shrubs that grow several feet high and wide and produce clusters of fragrant white flowers in late spring or early summer. The cross between these two types resulted in an open-form shrub with large pinkish red double flowers up to seven inches across.

R. ‘Helleri’ (1880) – Hybrid tea with Pernetiana Drab Rambler Rose, Crimson Rambler and Leamington Hybrid. A red-flowered rose from Czar Nicholas II of Russia. A few gardeners claim to have seen the original plant in a greenhouse at the beginning of the 20th century. The pink form is called ‘Madame Emile Mouret’, named after the mayor of Paris in 1851-52, who was said to have received cuttings from an Iranian ambassador; this should be avoided as it is susceptible to black spot. The white form was introduced by Joseph Breck & Sons in 1908 and described as “slightly fragrant”. It has since been shown that this cultivar is not actually tetraploid like all of its siblings, but instead diploid, making it more like a mutant form than a true cultivar or mutation.

Rosa glauca is a species of rose native to the Andes mountains of Peru and Ecuador. It has been known as “Peruvian wild rose” since it was first discovered by European botanists in 1799. Rosa laevigata is a species of rose native to Japan, China and Korea. It was introduced into Europe in 1847 by Robert Fortune who called it “Japanese Evergreen Rose”.

Roses are one of the most popular flowers in the world. The rose is a symbol of love and beauty, so it’s no surprise that there are so many varieties! Roses come in every color imaginable, from white and pink to red and purple. You can even find roses with striped or speckled petals–these are called “bicolor” roses since they have two colors on each flower (such as white/pink). There are also roses with scent! If you want something unique for your garden or home, check out these unusual varieties below: